Brown Swiss USA > Programs/Applications/Fees > Membership > Amendments & Board Action > Board Action - 2017

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2017 Board Action

2017 Winter Board Action

Motion: Moved to send out a staff chart in the BSA/PTPR/membership renewal packets going out in December. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to have Leonard Johnson as signer on registration papers as of January 1, 2018 as Board Designatee. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved that BSCBA covers travel expense for meetings not to exceed $500 in addition to convention registration fee as long as expenses are reported to BSCBA. The period for expenses to be paid starts at the conclusion of the annual meeting at convention to the conclusion of the next year’s annual meeting. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to start the Genomic Merit Award based on NM$ in top 50% of class and 1 award per heifer class and all entries for award must be submitted to the national office two weeks in advance of the show, pending approval from WDE. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved that two Yearling in Milk money placings be added and removing needed placings from the Fall Yearling Calf class as need by WDE. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to use the breed average for ECM as a requirement for production awards because it will fluctuate each year as opposed to setting a set value to meet. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to accept the following alteration to show rules:

EXHIBITOR DEFINED: The exhibitor must be the owner. In case a herd is registered or bred in the names of different members of a family, residing on one farm or breeding establishment, and where the herd is one unit, all entries may be considered as a single exhibitor for all group classes. However, members of one family, where cattle are not housed as one unit, will not be considered as a single exhibitor.

OWNERSHIP: To be eligible for competition, whether single or in groups, animals must be entered exactly as ownership appears on the registration certificate. The registration certificate showing the most recent date of activity will be considered official. Sale animal ownership will be that of the consignor. Registration certificates showing ownership must be available.

Animals owned in partnership may be shown in the name of the partnership only, except for “Family Unit” as defined above, under EXHIBITOR DEFINED. For example, if Exhibitor A and Exhibitor B own and animal in partnership and each owns animals individually, three (3) separate exhibitors exist.

1 - for Exhibitor A; 1 - for Exhibitor B and 1 - For Exhibitor A & B Partnership
OWNER DEFINED: The qualify for Bred & Owned Awards, one of the original owners must be listed as one of the current owners.

Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to go to a one-tier approved judges list. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to approve the following judges submitted for consideration: Matt Fry, Jeff Core, Linda Behling, Chip Savage, and David Hanson. Motion passed. (Lee Harris will be removed from the judges list (except for International judging) because he is now a classifier for the association.)

Motion: Moved to change under Classification Standards for Classification rules to add to C1 Must be currently scored at least E91. Change C2a to Must be currently scored at least E92. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved that in order for a cow to go from E94 to E95 the cow must be in a different lactation from the previous time scored and must also be currently scored E94. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to accept the following Type Committee recommendations:
When new classification program is written, we need to add the following three new linear traits:

  1. Rear Teat Placement
  2. Pastern Strength
  3. Front Leg Toe Out

Also, change the method of measuring rear udder height to the distance from the vulva down to the top of the udder secretory tissue. In addition, that scoring 1st lactation cows should be optional for the first 60 days after calving to get a more accurate evaluation and 2nd or higher lactation cows would be optional the first 30 days after calving.

Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to have youth submit junior memberships to the national office by August 1st to be eligible to show for the year. Motion passed.

Motion: Move to have ST Genetics sponsor the youth show shirts during the 2018 Southeastern Brown Swiss Junior Show. All of the Brown Swiss sponsors will be announced at ring side. Motion passed.

Motion: Move to add Barb Lee to the Genetics Committee. Motion passed.


Motion: Moved to bring the 2017 All-American contest back to the Association. Motion Passed.

Motion: Moved to place Progressive Brown Swiss Sires ad in Ringside Edition of Cowsmopolitan distributed at WDE. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to accept the resignation of Eric Topp as Director for District 3 and appoint Brian Lammers to serve out the term for District 3 Director. Motion passed.

2017 Summer Board Action

Motion: Moved to make a $250 donation to the All-American Dairy Show since we do not have to provide shirts for the juniors. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to create a line item on the fee schedule that states the following: Parentage Conflict Issues - up to $100 for resolving parentage conflicts. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to adjust the Protein Plus parameter to 1125# of protein and raise the How They’re Doin’ protein parameters for:

  • 2 year olds 800# to 825#
  • 3 year olds 920# to 970#
  • 4 year olds 975# to 1,000#
  • 5 year olds & older 960# to 1,025#

Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to charge the following program fees for the BSA/PTPR Program:

Herd Fee - $100
Herd of 1-50 cows $17.50/cow
Herd of 51-100 cows $16.00/cow
Herd of 101-200 cows $15.00/cow
Herd of 201-300 cows $14.00/cow
Herd of 301+ cows $13.00/cow
BSA Members - Embryo Registration Fee from $15 to $10/animal.
BSA/PTPR Members - 2nd Classification from $10 to $5/animal.
Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to change the PPR Formula to the following weights (effective December 2017 Sire Evaluation):

34 P 28F 6 PL 10 UDC 6 MO 12 DPR 4 LIV • Current weights are: 44P 18F 4SCS 10PL 10 UDC 4 MO 10 DPR

Motion: Moved to accept the Abnormality /Haplotype labeling which will now automatically load into the database at the time of sire evaluation April, August and December (effective August 2017 Sire Evaluation). Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to add Richard Thompson to the State Judges List. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to approve the list of National Show Judge candidates and move Molly Sloan and Nate Goldenberg to the National Judges list. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to accept the contract between Progressive Sires and Bull Owner that has a bull contracted with Genex/CRI. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to schedule a 2017 audit in February 2018. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to have a 5-year schedule for audits. Following the audit in 2018, the next audit will be schedule for early spring 2023.  Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to charge $25/hour to assist American Milking Shorthorn Society with registration work. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to invest $100,000 into a no-risk annuity. Motion passed.


Motion: Moved to establish March 31 as the deadline for Youth Contest applications, beginning 2018. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to alter the printed Sire Summary layout by decreasing the Cow list to 250 animals and expanding the Genomic Heifer list to 100.

Motion: Moved to accept the classification contract with the American Guernsey Association. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to accept the classification contract with the American Milking Shorthorn Society. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to create a Total Performance Genetic Merit Award to be presented at the heifer show during National Brown Swiss Convention. The award would be awarded to the heifer that had the highest combination of PPR with NM$ and the heifer would have to place in the top 50% of her type class. The highest placing in the type class would be the tie breaker. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to accept Christopher Baginski and Terry Trowbridge to the approved Judges List. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to discontinue the Western National Brown Swiss Show. Motion passed.

Motion: Moved to approve the contract from Purebred Publishing as presented. Motion passed.