Brown Swiss USA > Programs/Applications/Fees > Membership > Amendments & Board Action > Board Action - 2015

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2015 Board Action

Winter - December 2015

Motion: A motion was made and seconded to accept the 7-month classification rotation. Motion passed.

Motion: A motion was made and seconded to add the RFID line under the Tattoo Field on all registration papers. Motion passed.

Motion: A motion was made and seconded to add the following to the Registration Rules: The Brown Swiss Association strongly recommends a tattoo be the permanent I.D. of the animal, however it is not required. However, if all forms of Permanent ID have been lost, parentage needs to be proven thru parent testing at the expense of the owner. If this cannot be validated the animal will revert to ID. Motion passed.

Motion: A motion was made and seconded to add only the following class winner show results to pedigrees:

  • Top 6 - International Show
  • Top 3 - Other National Shows
  • Class Winner only - All Other Qualifying Shows
  • AA/Res AA/HM AA - All Group Class Members
  • Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made and seconded to raise the 1st Class Bulletin Subscription fees for 2017 to:

    1 Year U.S. - $65, 3 Year U.S. - $190, 1 Year Canada & Mexico - $100, 3 Year Canada & Mexico - $275

    1 Year Europe-Central/South America-Pacific - $125, 3 Year Europe-Central/South America-Pacific - $350 Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made and seconded that a letter be sent to the Management of CAL State Fair along with the CA Association stating the following: If show management does not manage and enforce the ultrasound procedures they will not be considered a National Show. This must also be removed from the State Fair Premium Book releasing the Brown Swiss Association from liability. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made and seconded to remove the Dry Cow class from all National Shows. Motion Passed.

    Motion: A motion was made and seconded to make a 95-point cow attainable with rules:

    Animal must be on official test, Must be walked, Must be milked out, Must be a different classifier than previous score.

    The first classifier will nominate the animal to become “95”. Within 30 days a second classifier will score the cow and if that classifier scores her “95” it will become official. The breeder will pay the expenses of the second classifier up to a maximum of $500.00. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made and seconded to reduce the bulletins from 12 per year to 11 (combining July/August). Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made and seconded to host the 2020 World Brown Swiss Conference. Motion passed.

    Summer - June 2015

    Motion: A motion was made with a second that the All American Contest be coordinated by Purebred Publishing. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made to offer the Brown Swiss Bulletin online. Motion was seconded. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made with a second to publish a Brown Swiss Directory for 2016.  Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made with a second to authorize David Wallace to act for the board in the concern to liquidate the National Youth Fund Trust to a money market. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made (effective immediately) to make any offspring from embryos ID animals if the donor dam is deceased and not parentage tested. Motion was seconded. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made to accept the following youth ownership rules: In all classes the recorded ownership must show in the sole ownership of the exhibitor or partnership comprised of only BSA Junior Members. (Adult-Junior and family farm partnerships are not acceptable). All transfers and recorded ownership must be dated by August 1st of the current year for all classes. If joint ownership, one of the owners must be declared the exhibitor during check-in. Awards will be presented as one unit, to all owners equally. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made with a second to accept the list developed by the national show committee for judges on the national list for 2016 shows. Motion passed.

    The committees’ recommendations are as follows:

    • Eastern: Dean Dohle, Keith Topp, Callum McKinven
    • Southwest: Angelo Pozzatti, Chris Lahmers, Laurie Winkelman
    • Southeast: Lynn Lee, Steve Hendress, Trisha Cobb
    • Northeast: Joe Sparrow, Bryan Voegeli, Dan Baginski
    • Western & Northwest: Curtis Day, Mark Rueth, Hank Van Exel, Mike Moyers, Jake Hushon

    Motion: A motion was made with a second to award Sr. 2 Year Olds with Production awards, tabeling the Total Performance and not acting on the recommendation of having a tie for the All-American contest. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made with a second to continue the Western and Northwest National Shows, with BSCBA paying no expense to either show. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion with a second. to have a 95 point cow attainable beginning January 1, 2016.  Motion Passed.

    Motion: A motion was made and seconded that we pay all outstanding accounts payable for Swiss Pride & Swiss Futures and dissolve into BSE. Motion passed.

    Motion: A motion was made with a second to revise section C in the Progressive Sire Contract to read: If a bull is leased/sold to AI - PBSS will receive 15% of owner’s royalties. Motion passed.

    Directive: Dave W. to contact Holstein about their judging clinics and what Brown Swiss breeders are really looking for.

    Directive: Dave W. to look into working with Composite Dairy Cattle Registry on classifying their cattle.