Brown Swiss USA > Programs/Applications/Fees > Membership > Amendments & Board Action > Board Action - 2011

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2011 Board Action


Director and President meeting expenses with the exception of meals will no longer be reimbursed. (Effective Jan.1 2012)

BSCBA's contract with Purebred Publishing for the Brown Swiss Bulletin was renewed for two years.

Dave Kendall will be paid $1500 from the genomic fund for genomic work. This amount will be reconciled with the general fund at the end of the year.

The foreign bull fee will be raised to $300. (Effective 02/01/2012)

Herd and Individual cow production awards will be calculated using ACTUAL milk, fat and protein on 305-day basis. There will be no adjustment for 3x/day milking.

A convention award will be created for the cow with the highest Energy Corrected Milk. The winner will be recognized on the cover of the August Bulletin.

A convention award will be presented for the cow with the highest Living Lifetime Energy Corrected Milk production as of Dec. 31st of the award year. The cow must have been living on Dec. 31st.

As of the 2013 show season, BSCBA will only be required to provide the following awards: Total Performance Banner, NASCO Type and Production Award, Vid Vye Grand Champion Award and the Ira Inman Premier Breeder Award at national shows.

In 2013, BSCBA will not be required to send a representative to every national show.

The 6K genomic chip will be used as method of parentage verification for both females and males. (Effective Feb. 1, 2012)

BSCBA will adopt Madison's selection process and policy of how they select judges, abiding Madison uses the BSCBA national judge's list to select judges for the International Show. (Effective for 2013)

BSCBA will hire a summer intern.

Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico will be moved to District VIII.

District II will now include Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Puerto Rico.

District III will now include Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Florida. All district changes would take effect January 1, 2012 with each director staying within their respective district until their term is up.


Currently, the All-American Nominating Committee votes once to narrow down entries to six nominated animals. Then, the nominating judges along with additional judges from qualifying shows re-vote to determine final All-American placings. The Nominating judges will only vote once but their initial vote will count towards final All-American results.

A cow must be six years old and have 3 lactations before she can obtain a 2E final classification score. The highest Mammary Score a first lactation cow can achieve is E90. (Effective 8/01/2011)

Bell Ringer judges can select an Honorable Mention for classes with close placings.

Each Junior may submit two entries for the Cheese Yield and Youth Production contests.

P suffix will designate an animal born polled. PP designate homozygous polled as determined by BSCBA.

A Genomics Council, comprised of AI industry representatives and BSCBA staff will be formed to assist in utilizing the Genomic Fund.

Each quarter the Genomic Fund was reconciled to account for Dave Kendall’s time spend on Genomics, which was paid for by BSCBA General Fund. For 2011, Dave Kendall’s time will be reconciled but funds will not be transferred from the Genomic Fund to the General Fund until reviewed by the Board of Directors in January 2012.

BSCBA will pay employees $12,325.49 for 2007 and 2009 unpaid pension within 30 days.