NM$ (Net Merit): Previously, sires and cows were ranked by NM$, which included Calving Ability (CA$), Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR), Body Size/Weight Composite (BSC/BWC), Feet and Leg Composite (FLC), Udder Composite (UDC), Productive Life (PL), Somatic Cell Score (SCS), Fat and Protein.
NM$ ranking weights were revised in December 2014, April 2017, August 2018, August 2020, and August 2021, and now also include Cow Conception Rate (CCR), Heifer Conception Rate (HCR), Milk, Livability, Health Trait $, Heifer Livability, Feed Saved (Residual Feed Intake and BWC), and Early First Calving. The table below shows the NM$ trait weights adjusted by breed.

August 2020, the Calving Ability Index (CA$) formulae were revised for Brown Swiss and Holstein:
Brown Swiss: -6 * (SCE - 3.0) - 8 * (DCE - 2.8)
Holstein: -4 * (SCE - 2.2) -3 * (DCE - 2.7) -4 * (SSB - 5.7) --8 * (DSB - 6.6)
Also, the standard deviation for CA$ changed from 10 to 8 for Brown Swiss and from 18 to 14 for Holstein.