Junior Contests

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Junior Contests

PDF applications for youth contests are listed at the right.


ANY YOUTH SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION, EXCEPT BELL RINGERS, NEEDS TO INCLUDE A BIOGRAPHY PAGE WITH BACKGROUND ABOUT HIM/HERSELF AND FIVE PHOTOS. (Only one biography page and 5 photos required regardless of how many contests entered. This will be used for the Convention slideshow and possibly on the website.) Please email photos in .jpeg format, named appropriately. Do Not Place Photos in a Word Document.

Youth Achievement

Due: March 31

The Youth Achievement Award recognizes outstanding youth work in the Brown Swiss breed. An anonymous committee will choose four finalists to attend the National Convention for interviews. From the combined scores of the interview and application book, a National winner and runner-up will be chosen.  A Special Thank You to our Sponsors.

Junior Youth Achievement

Due: March 31

The Junior Youth Achievement Award was added in 2015.  This award  recognizes outstanding youth ages 8-15 for their work in the Brown Swiss breed.  An anonymous committee will choose the top 3 finalists.  The Achen Family will be sponsoring cash prizes for the award winners.

National Ambassador

Due: March 31

The National Ambassador is the spokesperson for the National Brown Swiss Association and represents the breed at local, state and national events including World Dairy Expo, national convention and other national shows. The ambassador shall have an expense fund available of $1,000. The Alternate Ambassador shall have an expense fund available of $500.

Cheese Yield

Due: March 31

The Cheese Yield Award is presented to the junior whose cow has the highest cheese yield for a 30-day period. The cheese yield formula for cheddar cheese is used to determine the winner. The overall National winner receives $200 and a special plaque at the national convention awards presentation. District Winners will receive $50 and a certificate. At the Fun Auction, a representative block of cheddar cheese will be sold. These proceeds fund both the Youth Production and Cheese Yield monetary awards with the remaining proceeds donated to the Junior Activity Fund.

Youth Production

Due: March 31

A youth production winner from each national director district is chosen based on deviation from herd average. The cow with the highest deviation overall is recognized as the National Youth Production Award winner. Records must meet breed association standards (DHI or DHIR) and be completed during the calendar year (305-day record completed between January 1 and December 31).  A copy of the DHI testing sheet for the month of the 305-day record completion, and monthly herd average for that same month must accompany the entry. Records are standardized to a 305-day 2x Mature Equivalent (ME) basis. The ME record and herd average are adjusted to an Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) basis. The national winner will receive $200 and a special plaque at the national convention awards presentation. District Winners will receive $50 and a certificate.

Youth Scholarship/Grant

Due: March 31

The Brown Swiss Association awards a $1000 scholarship or grant, annually to youth pursuing a degree in agriculture or a dairy-related field. If the winner is not attending college, the grant will apply toward the purchase of a registered Brown Swiss animal.  Applicants are encouraged to reapply each year.  Additional Scholarships are sponsored by Progressive Brown Swiss Sires, Lynn & Peter Vail, Goldfawn Farm, and the Howard Voegeli Memorial Fund.  The recipient is announced at the National Convention Annual Meeting.  A scholarship or grant may be awarded each year, there is no restriction.  The award will be selected based on quality of application.  A junior may receive a scholarship or grant from the Brown Swiss Association only one time.

Junior Bell Ringer

Due: December 15

The National Junior Bell Ringer Program provides an opportunity for juniors across the country to participate in a national activity. It recognizes outstanding Junior-owned or leased animals exhibited at the junior's canton show and/or any other designated qualifying junior shows.

The application for this contest is a photo and label explained below. Included in the contest are 16 standard female classes: Spring Heifer Calf, Winter Heifer Calf, Fall Heifer Calf, Summer Yearling Heifer, Spring Yearling Heifer, Winter Yearling Heifer, Fall Yearling Heifer, Yearling in Milk, Summer Junior Two-Year Old, Junior Two-Year Old, Senior Two-Year Old, Junior Three-Year Old, Senior Three-Year Old, Four Year-old, Five Year-Old, Aged Cow, and Component Merit Cow.

State Bell Ringers and Reserve State Bell Ringers are recognized in the January Brown Swiss Bulletin. Each state is responsible for contacting the Bulletin if they want their state winners published. Owners of the State and Reserve Bell Ringers are awarded certificates by their State Brown Swiss Association. The National Bell Ringer selections, including a class reserve winner, are chosen by a committee of three judges; one from each of the two largest National Junior Shows (currently the Eastern and Southeastern National Junior Shows) and a third judge chosen from one of the other National Shows on a rotational basis. Entries are judged on pictures and Junior Show placings. National Bell Ringer selections receive a plaque and are published in the March Brown Swiss Bulletin.

* Juniors entering the Bell Ringer Contest must submit a professional 5 X 7 untouched color photo (electronic or hard copy) of their animal, along with the animal's show placings.