The Roger Neitzel Distinguished Service Award
Our honoree for the 2014 Roger Neitzel Distinguished Service Award is Darrell Worden of Forest Lawn Farm. You may have seen this year’s honoree portrayed as a jockey, as Santa Claus, a Swiss yodeler, or heaven forbid, as a New York Yankee.
L-R: Cindy & Darrell Worden receiving the Distinguished Service Award Presented by Dr. Roger Neitzel
Darrell cried his first national sale in 1978 at the Arizona national convention. And he has missed few in the past 36 years. If Darrell is in the box, you know it will be a fast-paced and exciting auction with a sincere effort to get the best bid for each consignor.
In 1982 he took this vocation and added FUN to it by auctioneering the first fun auction at the Iowa convention. He has been the auctioneer in all fun auctions except one since. Doing his part to keep funds coming in for the junior programs, his favorite comment is “ Come on, bid, it’s for the kids”. He was recognized for those efforts in 2006.
Darrell has represented the association well in the show ring, exhibiting the Grand Champion at World Dairy Expo with Idyl Wild Improver Jinx in 1985.
His fellow competitors also recognized Darrell’s dedication when he received the Klussendorf Trophy at World Dairy Expo in 2004.
Darrell has been active on the state level and served on the National Association Type committee.
Home for Darrell is Forest Lawn Farm, Wausau, Wisconsin, where the family milks about 200 Brown Swiss and 300 Holsteins and the whole family pitches in. His family includes his wife, Cindy; son Tim and wife, Diane; son Scott and wife, Karen, and their sons, Tyler and Lucas. They also have 10 full-time and two part-time employees.
In the name of Roger N. Neitzel, the Distinguished Service Award is given to a person(s) who has dedicated many years of service to the Brown Swiss Association. Darrell is the third recipient of this award.