Individual Cow Production Awards
J.P. Eves Trophy
The J.P. Eves Trophy is presented to the cow with the highest 305-day Actual Milk record.
H.R. Searles
The H.R. Searles Trophy is presented to the cow with the highest 305-day Actual Fat record.
National Protein Award
The Protein Award is presented to the cow with the highest 305-day Actual Protein record.
Ima Doll Protein Champion Award
The Ima Doll Protein Award is only presented when a cow becomes the new breed protein champion.
Cow For All Seasons
The Cow For All Seasons Award recognizes the cow with the top 305-day ME (mature equivalent) record from among National Show Type & Production winners.
Vernon C. Hull National Total Performance
National Total Performance Award honors the cow with highest point total of National Show Total Performance Winners. The final point calculation is derived from the cow's highest 305d Energy Corrected Milk record, Total pounds of Energy Corrected Milk per day over 24 months of age, and placing score at a national show.
Top ECM (Energy Corrected Milk) Cow Award
The Top ECM Cow Award is presented to the cow with the highest combined Milk , Fat, and Protein, regardless of times milked per day.
White Cloud ECM Yearling in Milk Award
This award will be given to the highest 305d ECM record produced the previous year by a cow freshening under 2 years of age in a herd enrolled in the BSA program. Named in honor of Mr. Henry and Mrs. Jane Woods, developers of the cows Ivetta, Larry Doris, Letha Irene Pride, among others with high production records. Not only did White Cloud make many breed-leading records, several All-Breed production milestones were also achieved.