Expanded Identity Enrollment Program
A Program for Progress

Expanded IE Program Details
Accurate records of identification are the foundation for the Identity Enrollment (IE) Program. A large percentage of DHIA records cannot be used in USDA summaries simply due to lack of proper parentage identification. Type and production records from all levels of Identity Enrollment animals are eligible to be included in genetic evaluations if correctly identified by sire on herd test sheets.
The basic 3-step program provides a sound method to bring back into the herdbook many grade Brown Swiss. Most of these grade or unregistered Brown Swiss include animals which have been lost to the breed because someone, sometime, failed to identify them, keep their registrations up to date, or transfer the animals when they were sold.
The expanded program updates the previous IE program by adding an initial step called a "Recorded Female" prior to the first step animals. Female offspring from one registered Brown Swiss parent and the other parent any dairy bovine (registered or grade) are eligible to begin this genetic recovery process. This expanded IE program offers a cost-effective means to build up to a herd of registered Brown Swiss. With the use of artificial insemination and embryo technology, top Brown Swiss genetics are available to everyone. Selecting the best animals available as building blocks for the next generation in the herd promotes genetic progress.
The Expanded Identity Enrollment program is made up of four progressive steps. Only the first generation entered in the Expanded Identity Enrollment program may be a non-living animal, all others must be living females to be eligible for each succeeding step of this upgrade program.
(1) Recorded Female (RF) |
(Initial Step) |
(at least 50% BS) |
(2) Identified Female (ID or IDR) |
(Step I) |
(at least 75% BS) |
(3) Identity Enrollment Female (IE) |
(Step II) |
(at least 87.5% BS) |
(4) Certified Identity Enrollment Female (CIE) |
(Step III) |
(at least 93.75% BS) |
Recorded Female (RF) (Initial Step)
- Parentage: One parent must be a registered Brown Swiss; the second parent can be any dairy bovine (registered or grade).
- Animals should be permanently identified by tattoo, Animal ID double ear tags, or state ID clips.
- There is no color requirement.
- Application is made on a multiple Recorded Female form.
- Animals will be issued a blue Recorded Female Certificate and their name will carry an RF prefix.
- Eligible for Brown Swiss Association programs, with the exception of National Sales, National Shows, and individual production awards, but will qualify for herd production awards.
- RF animals are not eligible to be shown.
- Female offspring of an RF by a registered Brown Swiss sire are eligible to enter Step I (IDR) of the Identity Enrollment program.
Identified Female (ID or IDR) (Step I)
- Any unregistered (grade) Brown Swiss female is eligible for identification if she shows typical Swiss coloring and breed characteristics. (ID)
- Female offspring from a Recorded Female and sired by a registered Brown Swiss are eligible to enroll in Step I. (IDR)
- Animals should be permanently identified by tattoo or Animal ID double ear tags.
- Application is made on a multiple Step I Identity Enrollment form.
- Animals will be issued a yellow Certificate of Identification and their name will carry an ID or IDR prefix depending on how they enter the program.
- Eligible for Brown Swiss Association programs, with the exception of National Sales, National Shows, and individual production awards, but will qualify for herd production awards.
- Step I ID or IDR animals are not eligible to be shown.
- Female offspring of an ID or IDR by a registered Brown Swiss sire are eligible for Step II enrollment if she shows typical Swiss coloring and breed characteristics.
Identity Enrollment Female (IE) (Step II)
- Female offspring from an ID or an IDR animal and sired by a registered Brown Swiss bull are eligible for Step II enrollment if she shows typical Swiss coloring and breed characteristics.
- Animals not showing typical Swiss coloring and breed characteristics must remain at the Step I level.
- Application is made on the regular registration application form.
- Current registration rates and rules apply to Step II animals.
- Animals will be issued a green Certificate of Identity Enrollment and their name will carry an IE prefix.
- Step II animals are eligible for all breed programs and are eligible to be shown as Brown Swiss at the national level.
- Female offspring of an IE by a registered Brown Swiss sire are eligible to be registered as a CIE (Step III).
Certified Identity Enrollment Female (CIE) (Step III)
- Female offspring from an IE animal and sired by a registered Brown Swiss are eligible for registry in the official Brown Swiss herdbook.
- Application is made on the regular registration application form.
- Current registration rates and rules apply to Step III animals.
- Animals will be issued a standard Certificate of Registry (white with green border) and their name will carry a CIE prefix.
- Step III animals are eligible for all breed programs and are eligible to be shown as Brown Swiss at the national level.
- Male and female offspring of a CIE by a registered Brown Swiss sire are eligible to be fully registered.