Pedigree Info

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Brown Swiss Official 3-Generation Performance Pedigrees are generated from information permanently stored on BSCBA files.  A pedigree includes animal identification, breeder/owner identity, type and performance information, genetic conditions, and show winnings, awards, and other recognitions,

If you want accurate classification, production, and award results on your animal's pedigree, you must have your animal correctly identified by registration number on your DHI testing sheet. If you notice missing information, check out your cow page before calling the Brown Swiss Association. Your milk tester may have to make the correction.

 "Why aren't my records showing up on my animal's pedigree?"

  1. The herd must be on official DHIA or DHIR test.
  2. If the herd is on DHIA, 305-day and complete records are received only at the time of Performance Summary runs. (DHIR records are processed monthly.)
  3. If the lactation is not completed, the record will not be sent from USDA or the DRPCs. (Only completed records will show up on pedigrees)
  4. USDA-AIPL rejected the cow's record due to a format error and the record was not received. Most often, this problem occurs when correct registration numbers are not listed right on the herd's testing sheet.

If your animal's records are not showing up on its pedigree, please send/fax a copy of your cow page (testing sheet) to the National Brown Swiss Office and indicate the record in question.

After the cow page is received, it will be compared to the cow's records at USDA-AIPL to determine why the information is not correct. Since the Brown Swiss Association receives production information from AIPL or the DRPC, if their systems reject the records, they won't be received.

Correct Identification

One of the simplest ways to enhance the value of your herd is to keep accurate identification, health, reproduction and production records.

Production Records

The Brown Swiss Association receives the previous month's DHIR production records from Dairy Records Processing Centers at the beginning of each month. These records are then processed into the database for use on pedigrees and in calculating individual cow recognitions such as "How They're Doin'," and "Class Leaders & Protein Plus Cows."

Production Record Identification

Brown Swiss Registration Numbers: If you are issued a regular Brown Swiss registration number, list this as the animal's identification on your DHI testing sheet.          
Regular Registration Number: 68109011 (8 digits)

RFID 840 Numbers: An animal whose official registration number begins with 840 should have this listed as identification on the testing sheet. List the whole 15-digit number starting with 840. (840 means USA.)
USA Registration Number: 840003000782673 (15 digits or USA + 12 digits)

Both Registration & RFID: If your animal has a regular registration number and an 840 RFID ear tag number, on your testing sheet identify the animal with the Brown Swiss registration number. DO NOT LIST the ear tag number or vet tag number.