Board Action - 2021

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2021 Board Action

Winter Board Meeting Motions

  • Motion to accept California as the host state for National Convention 2023 with the dates June 12-17, 2023. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.
  • Motion to allow any placing for National show or qualifying show to enter the All-American contest. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.
  • Motion to accept the following judges to the approved judges list: Galen Conner, Moss McCauley, Jeff Stookey, Delbert Yoder and Kaleb Kruse. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.
  • Motion to allow Northwest National Show to have one more year to get the number of cattle exhibited up and need for an ultrasound or the show will become a regional show. Motion 2nd. Motion passed.
  • Motion to not cap the number of animals leased in a show year that was changed in the July meeting. Motion 2nd. 1 Opposed, Motion passed.

Summer Board Meeting Motions

MOTION: to not have the World Premier Sale in 2021 at World Dairy Expo. Motion passed.

MOTION: to list National Bell Ringer and Reserve National Bell Ringer on the pedigrees. Motion passed.

MOTION: to maximize the number of leased animals to one youth of 3 animals and that only one youth can be listed as leasing an animal starting January 1st, 2022. Motion passed.

MOTION: to add Kelly Reynolds to the National Judges list. Motion passed.

MOTION: to add the Summer 2-Year-Old class to the show program starting for the 2022 show season. Motion passed.

MOTION: to approve the addition of Udder Balance and Thurl Position traits be added to the linear traits and to make the change of how the Rear Udder Height is measured. Motion passed.

MOTION: next year’s Annual Meeting will be considered a special meeting due to the fact it cannot be held during the bylaw dates as written, so the board of directors moves to make it a special meeting because of the residual effects of the Covid pandemic. Motion passed.

MOTION: All-American Entrees due Nov. 15 Louisville pics must be Received in office by Nov. 22. Motion passed.