BSCBA - USA 1940-1949
"The Decade of Great Change" Growth & Change - Personnel & Programs
Roger's Note: The 40’s decade saw a variety of changes in breed programs, registrations, personnel, and saw the effects of a second World War. Highlights of those changes which had a pronounced effect on the breed, breeders, and the Association are listed below.
The Breed
- Registered Brown Swiss expanded in the 40’s as in no other decade before or after. In 1939, a total of 9,996 animals were registered, and by 1948 that number more than doubled to 22,625. In addition, a similar increase was realized in transfers from 7,834 in 1939 to 20,496 in 1948, again more than doubling those transactions.
- Pictured on the January 1942 Bulletin cover were the first five Aged Cows at the National Dairy Show in 1941, all owned by Lee’s Hill, an unprecedented event.
- Jane of Vernon 5th becomes National Champion for 3 consecutive years, 1940-1942.
- Judd’s Bridge Dispersal on October 13-14, 1947, set a record average of $1,228 for dispersal sales of all time to date. The top animal, Colonel Harry of J.B. who sold for $23,500, also set a record for the highest price paid for any Brown Swiss ever sold to date. At $11,500, the highest price female ever sold to date was Jane’s Chloe of J. B., a daughter of Jane of Vernon.
- In 1945, the International Harvestor Company was allotted 20,000 square feet in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago for an exhibit to visualize the importance of modern agriculture. Included in the exhibit were five life-size mounted cows, one of which was the Brown Swiss cow O.D.’s Pollyana Gertrude 41054 owned by Foxwood Farm, Elburn, IL.
The Association
- Long-time Secretary Ira Inman is recognized for his 30 year of service and leadership as Secretary of the Association with a dedication ceremony and presentation of a plaque on July 29, 1941, held at the National Office in Beloit, Wisconsin.
- Effective January 1, 1942, Ira Inman retires and Fred Idtse, Fieldman for the Association since 1938, is appointed as Secretary.
- An official type classification program is adopted in 1942 with the first herds being classified in 1943. The first four herds classified were: Joseph P. Savage, La Fox, IL; Dr. J.W. Ovitz, Sycamore, IL; Joseph P. Allyn, Delavan, WI; and F.W. Plankey, Beloit, WI.
- World War II affected many Brown Swiss families, and also affected the Association. Due to paper shortages, the quota for the Bulletin for 1944 was the tonnage of paper used in 1942 or 8.7 tons. To comply, the paper stock was reduced from 60 lbs to 45 lbs, the margins were narrowed, and the publishing of the transfer list was first modified and then eliminated.
- The July 1946 issue of the Bulletin was the 25th Anniversary issue and was dedicated to Ira Inman. This issue was 180 pages in size and contained many historical articles. This was also the first issue in the larger size.
- At the 67th Annual Meeting, November 1947, the first Ira Inman Trophies were awarded. The recipients were the John Ingold Estate, Monroe, WI, of the HIR Trophy and Lee’s Hill Farm, Morristown, NJ, received the ROP and Premier Breeder awards. The awards were three 14” silver bowls. These were traveling trophies with each winner receiving a smaller replica. Those original traveling trophies are on display in the entryway at the National Office. The HIR Award was based on 1) Years on continual HIR test; 2) Size of herd; 3) Percent cows homebred; 4) Percent cows exceeding breed average in production; and 5) Percent cows tested for 1500 days or more and produced 1.25 pounds butterfat per day. The ROP Award was given to the owner of the cow completing the highest ROP record of the year on a 365-day 3X ME basis.
The Premier Breeder Trophy was awarded to the breeder winning the most money on animals of his own breeding at the National Brown Swiss Show.
Breeders and Personnel
- The August 1940 Bulletin reports that George W. Harris, charter member of the Association had passed away. Subsequently in the September Bulletin, it was reported that a letter was received from George W. Harris in his own handwriting stating that he had read his obituary and was informing everyone that it was his brother, 16 years younger, who had passed away.
- In the December 1940 Bulletin in a full-page ad paid for jointly by Jake Voegeli and George DeVoe of Judd’s Bridge Farms, the two breeders debate who should be the National Premier Breeder and Exhibitor since they did not show against each other in 1940.

- Vernon Hull, manager of Lee’s Hill Farm, Morristown, NJ, is selected as the 5th person to be awarded the Klussendorf Trophy in 1941.
- Dick Stumbo is hired as Fieldman in 1943 and continues this career until 1969.
- Fred Gaunt is hired as Fieldman in 1946 and continues as Fieldman until 1966.
- In July 1947, George Opperman becomes Editor of the Bulletin.
- Long-time promoter and sales manager since 1934, Vid B. Vye suffers a heart attack in January 1947 and passed away on March 5. Norm Magnussen Sr. agrees to take over the sale business of Brown Swiss Sale Service while Mrs. Vye continues the pedigree and catalog business.