Brown Swiss Association Office
The Brown Swiss Association office building located at 800 Pleasant Street, Beloit, Wisconsin, was originally a paper mill organized by Rock River Paper Company.
Built in 1856. Originally the Beloit Paper Mill, the first paper mill in the Rock River Valley and the second in the Wisconsin Territory. In 1858, it was organized as the Rock River Paper company and produced 32,000 pounds of building paper per day.

1887 to 1930 - It was occupied by manufacturers of overalls, bicycles, and automobile parts (The first automobile turn signal was invented here by Beloit inventor Carl Lipman.), refrigerator cars, air appliances, a contractor specialties manufacturer called Schwebke Machine Company, and an upholsterer.

December 1936 - Building purchased by Brown Swiss Association for $3,500 plus
$28.56 for taxes and $2 for air and water right-of-ways.
May 1937 - The Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ Association moved into the building.

Present - Today’s Brown Swiss Association still serves its breeders from this location along the Rock River.
