About Us
BSCBA - Who We Are

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The U.S. Brown Swiss Association, formed in 1880 to establish an official herdbook, registers about 10,000 animals per year and serves about 1800 combined adult and junior members. It is governed by a 10-person board of directors elected by and from the membership.

BSCBA Mission Statement... To promote and expand the Brown Swiss breed with programs that assist the membership and industry to compete favorably in the market place now and in the future.

Today’s U.S. breeders have built upon the breed’s rich heritage to develop a worldwide demand for their cattle in both the show ring and commercial dairy herd. 

The Association for Profitable Programs & Services

  • National Shows to Showcase your Animals
  • Youth Programs for Participation & Awards
  • National Awards & Performance Recognitions
  • Brown Swiss Bulletin (10 issues/year)
  • Brown Swiss Performance Summary (3 issues/year)       
  • Brown Swiss Enterprises - Marketing Opportunities  
  • Brown Swiss Advantage - Total-Package Program
  • National Membership, Prefixes
  • Type Classification
  • Registration & Transfer, Pedigrees
  • Expanded Identity Enrollment Upgrading Program       
  • Parentage Verification & DNA Testing


Did You Know . . .

A Few Pieces of Trivia about the Brown Swiss Association in the U.S.A.

The Building at 800 Pleasant Street, Beloit, Wisconsin

  • Built in 1856. Originally the Beloit Paper Mill, the first paper mill in the Rock River Valley and the second in the Wisconsin Territory. In 1858, it was organized as the Rock River Paper company and produced 32,000 pounds of building paper per day.
  • 1887 to 1930 - It was occupied by manufacturers of overalls, bicycles, and automobile parts (the first automobile turn signal was invented here), refrigerator cars, air appliances, a contractor specialties manufacturer called Schwebke Machine Company, and an upholsterer.
  • December 1936 - Building purchased by Brown Swiss Association for $3,500 plus $28.56 for taxes and $2 for air and water right-of-ways.
  • May 1937 - The Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ Association moved into the building.

U.S. Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ Association

  • Formed September 8, 1880, by a small group of Brown Swiss breeders in Worcester, Massachusetts.
  • First recorded Swiss imported from Switzerland in 1869-1870 by Henry M. Clark of Belmont, Massachusetts: 1 bull and 7 females.
  • First bull in the Brown Swiss Herdbook: William Tell. First cow in the Brown Swiss Herdbook: Zurich.
  • Next importation by George W. Harris, grandfather to former Secretary-Treasurer George G. Harris. Mr. GW Harris, Wethersfield, CT, and Mr. Nelson Scott, Worcester, MA, imported 1 bull and 9 females in 1882.
  • The animals registered in the Official Herdbook today are descendants of approximately 150 importations.

The National Office Staff

  • Departments of the Association include Administrative, Accounting, Performance, Classification, Registrations, Pedigrees and Catalogs, Bulletin, Website and Promotion, and the Association’s subsidiary, Brown Swiss Enterprises.
  • 5 office personnel and 2 classifiers.

Some Association Programs and Activities

  • Approximately 55,000 Brown Swiss in the U.S. are registered.
  • Approximately 30,000 Brown Swiss are grade animals or are not purebreds.
  • In 2021, 9,530 Brown Swiss were registered and 2,916 were transferred.
  • Approximately 3000 individuals register their Brown Swiss. Of those, many have become national members of the Association. In 2022, the Association had 606 active members (those members who registered a Brown Swiss animal during the year). A breeder does not have to be an official member of the Association in order to register his animals; however, one of the benefits of membership is reduced rates on registration fees.
  • The monthly publication of the Brown Swiss Association is the Brown Swiss Bulletin. It was first published in July 1922.  Since 2016, the July/August issue has been combined. Since 2023, the October/November issue also has been combined.
  • In 1942, an official type classification program was adopted, with the first herds being classified in 1943.
  • In 1969, a marketing division was formed and titled Brown Swiss Enterprises, Inc. Brown Swiss Enterprises has served Brown Swiss breeders throughout the country and world by bringing together buyer and seller. Semen, embryos, and animals have been marketed in the U.S. and around the world. For over 25 years, Brown Swiss Enterprises conducted the Premier Showcase Sale at World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin.
  • In 1969, the Identity Enrollment Program was initiated as a way of upgrading animals which were grade or not purebred (75% Brown Swiss or higher) so that offspring could eventually be registered in the Official Herdbook in a 3-generation process. In 1993, the program was expanded to include first-cross (50%) Brown Swiss with another dairy breed in a 4-generation process.
  • In 1971, the PTPR (Production and Type Performance Registry) Program was established which includes DHIR testing and classification. In 1998, the BSA (Brown Swiss Advantage) Program was initiated which is a total service program, including DHIR testing, classification, registrations, membership, and Brown Swiss Bulletin & Performance Summary subscriptions.
  • In 2008, a modern online database system was developed by InSinc, allowing breeders to register cattle online in real time.
  • In early 2012, the Association's new brownswissusa.com website went live.
  • Each year, the top herd in each of four herd-size divisions is honored. Recognition is also given to the three cows who finish with the highest 305-day ME record in milk, protein, and fat.
  • One of the breed’s most prestigious awards is the Total Performance Award. This honor goes to the cow with the highest point total based on her placing at a national show, highest ECM lactation, and lifetime production. It is awarded annually at the national annual meeting.
  • Youth Programs and Awards - All juniors from 9 through 21 who own a Brown Swiss are eligible for junior membership in the Association. More than 5,000 juniors have been issued such membership throughout the years. Around 1100 youth are currently junior members. Many programs and contests offered to the juniors include a Lease program, the Youth Achievement Contest, Cheese Yield Contest, Youth Production Contest, Junior Bell Ringer Contest, special recognition at national shows, the Ambassador Program, and a Scholarship/Grant program.
  • National Annual Meeting - Each July, the Association holds its national annual meeting. This convention, which is hosted by a different state each year, is open to all breeders and friends. Activities and programs include tours, award presentations, Fun Auction (event to raise money to finance the junior activities), annual meeting and election of officers, national sale, and seminars.
  • National Shows - The Association sponsors five national shows located throughout the country
                    Northeast National, West Springfield, Massachusetts
                    Eastern National, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
                    International, Madison, Wisconsin
                    Southwestern National, Stillwater, Oklahoma
                    Southeastern National, Louisville, Kentucky
  • One of the highlights of each Brown Swiss national show is the Parade of Champions, which was first begun at the National Dairy Show in the fall of 1938. The first and second place animal in each of the cow classes and the Junior and Reserve Junior Champion female don a Swiss bell and the leadsmen wear colorful Swiss milking shirts as they parade around the ring for the enjoyment of the audience.

Noteworthy Achievements

  • In 1988, Lyndale Convincer Elaine became the first Brown Swiss cow to be named Supreme Champion over all breeds at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin.
  • In 1989, Elaine came back to repeat the WDE Supreme Champion honor.
  • In 1994, Hoosier Knoll Jade Monay became the second Brown Swiss cow to win WDE Supreme Champion.
  • In 2000, the US Brown Swiss Association hosts the World Brown Swiss Conference in conjunction with the International BS Show and World Dairy Expo.
  • In 2003, Old Mill E Snickerdoodle OCS became the third Brown Swiss cow to be named Supreme Champion at WDE. She also won Reserve Supreme Champion in 2008 and 2009.
  • In 2011, Lost Elm Prelude Pixy ET 911151 ‘2E93’ became the Breed Champion for Milk, Fat, & Protein (1/11). In 365 days at the calving age of 7 years and 6 months, she produced 65,430 pounds milk, with 5.4% fat, 3,557 pounds fat, 3.1% protein, 2,031 pounds protein.
  • In 2013, Frosted Sieg Wammy ET won Supreme Champion over all breeds at the NAILE (Southeast National) in Louisville, KY.
  • In 2014, R N R Supreme Jana 68110982 ‘V89’ became the new Breed Champion for Fat (12/14). In 365 days at the calving age of 4 years and 4 months, she produced 50,830 pounds milk with 7.1% fat, 3,613 pounds fat, 3.2% protein, 1,632 pounds protein.
  • In 2018, Cutting Edge T Delilah won Supreme Champion over all breeds at the Pennsylvania All American Dairy Show (Eastern National).
  • In 2018, Cutting Edge T Delilah became the fourth Brown Swiss to win Supreme Champion over all breeds at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI. She also was the second cow ever to win Supreme in both the open and junior shows at World Dairy Expo.
  • In 2019, Delilah was again named Supreme Champion over all breeds at World Dairy Expo.  She sold at the Elite Dairy Dispersal for $210,000, making her the highest-selling US Brown Swiss.
  • In 2021, Cutting Edge Thunder Faye won Reserve Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo.
  • In 2022, Cutting Edge Stratus Sue is the new Fat and Protein Champion of the breed!  Stratus Sue's winning record is:  09/06 365d 2X 60,550m 6.8% 4,097f 3.6% 2,208p.  She beat the previous fat record by over 480 lbs.and the previous protein record by over 170 lbs.
  • In 2022 - The US Brown Swiss Association hosted the 2022 World Brown Swiss Conference in conjunction with the International BS Show and World Dairy Expo. Sixteen countries were represented at the conference.
  • In 2022, the registered Brown Swiss reported sold at public auction averaged $3,510.
  • The Association website BrownSwissUSA.com was redesigned and went live in August 2023.
  • The 2023 ME breed average was 24,055 pounds milk, 4.10% fat, 986 pounds butterfat, 3.36% protein, and 808 pounds protein.