All American Contest

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All-American Contest

Brown Swiss All-American Contest Rules

The All-American Program recognizes the outstanding animals exhibited at state and national shows during the current calendar year.

Classes for the contest include: Spring Heifer Calves, Winter Heifer Calves, Fall Heifer Calves, Summer Yearling Heifers, Spring Yearling Heifers, Winter Yearling Heifers, Fall Yearling Heifers, Yearling in Milk, Summer Junior Two Year Olds, Junior Two Year Olds, Senior Two Year Olds, Junior Three Year Olds, Senior Three Year Olds, Four Year Olds, Five Year Olds, Aged Cows and Component Merit. Group classes included in the program are Junior Best Three Females, Best Three Females, and Produce of Dam.


To participate in the All American Program, all owners of the animal must be either Junior or Adult Members of the national Brown Swiss Association.

To be eligible for entry in the All American contest, the animal must have been shown during the calendar year in compliance with the PDCA Show Ring Code of Ethics at a U.S. show designated as a qualifying show by the National Show Committee and Board of Directors. (See List of Qualifying Shows on this page.)


It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to secure and supply one electronic professional color photo of each animal being entered in the All-American Contest along with the entry blank. NOTE: The professional photos must be electronic 5 x 7 color files with a minimum resolution of 300 PPI. The current PDCA Show Ring Code of Ethics rules pertaining to grooming and preparation must be followed.

Pictures must be made during the current year and show the animals in the same stage of growth and/or lactation as when she qualified in the show ring.

For competition in the group classes, an electronic individual professional color picture of each animal in the group must be submitted. The pictures must be of the animals which are shown when the group qualified for entry. If substitutions are made in a group from one show to the next, different entries must be made for each qualifying combination. Partnership-bred animals, outside the family, cannot be used in the Best Three Females classes.


Entries must use an official entry form with all requested information completed and a $50 fee per entry (forms available in the September and October issues of the Brown Swiss Bulletin and on the BSCBA website). One electronic professional color picture for each class entry should be e-mailed to and can be sent direct from the photographer.

  1. Name, registration and birthdate of animal
  2. Class
  3. Date photo was taken
  4. Name and address of owner, exhibitor, and breeder
  5. List All placings at qualifying shows during the current year, including udder placings
  6. Best 305-day production record for cows and current record in progress should also be included.

Each All-American entry must be accompanied by a $50 entry fee made out to the Brown Swiss Association. Entries must be postmarked or e-mailed on or before November 15.  All photos should be sent to the national office or e-mailed to and must be received by midnight November 15.


Information on all entry blanks is checked at the National Office for accuracy. Each entry along with photo is sent to the Nominating Committee.  Each judge will nominate entries in each class and forward his ballot to the national office.  Ballots will be tallied and nominated animals determined.

Breeders with nominated animals will be notified and be invoiced $150 for each nominated entry which must be paid within two weeks of the invoice in order for the animal to continue in the contest.


The judges include all those who are on the Brown Swiss Association Approved Judges List and who served as judge at any of the qualifying shows. The judges will receive a judging packet containing a ballot, the entries, and the animals' photos. Judges with any interest, either monetary or relational to entries and/or nominees should refrain from voting in those classes.

The ballots will be tallied and total points published in the Bulletin. Nominations and winners, when published in the Bulletin, will include pictures accompanied by the names of the animals, breeders, and owners, as well as placings and production information.

All winning entries have the option of receiving an All-American photo plaque for an additional $50 fee (payable to BSCBA).

If entry rules are not followed by entrant, the animal or group entered can be disqualified.  Any animal found in violation of the PDCA Show Ring Code of Ethics will be removed from the All-American contest and her national show winnings stricken from the performance pedigree.

All photos should be emailed to and entries are to be emailed or mailed to the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association, ATTN: All Americans, 800 Pleasant Street, Beloit, WI 53511 and must be postmarked or emailed by November 15!!

~2024 All American Nominations & Winners~





Spring Calf



Buckmeadow R Waylon ET

Adam Fraley & Bryan Champluvier


Cutting Edge T Thyme

Kaelyn Tompkins


Olson 4th Generation Spell 

Trygve Olson


Opsal-JH BR Dont Doubt Me ETV 

Joey & Hayleigh Opsal & Kevin Webster


Opsal-JH BR Photo Finish ETV

Joey & Hayleigh Opsal & Kevin Webster


Pit-Crew Phantom Kami

Pit-Crew Genetics





Winter Calf



Acclaimed PA Carolina ETV

Brothers Three Brown Swiss


AR-Line D Luscious Lady ETV 

Ranae Herman


Brothers Three TV Wynona ETV 

Wynona Syndicate


Knapp Norwin Rockstar 

Knapp Genetics & Jesse & Kiley Muse


Opsal-JH BR Picturesque ET 

Joey & Hayleigh Opsal and Matt & Molly Sloan


Spots Pride SW Patagonia ETV

Emily & Amy Yeiser


Thompsview Fame Nus ET

Leif Thompson





Fall Calf



All-Glo FirstChoice Paloma ETV 

Justin & Ashley Kaufman


Brown Heaven Timeout Fireboom

Brown Heaven Farm


Edge View N Sylvia ETV 

Jax Ayars & Kelly Jo Manion


JoBo-Packard C Snowball ET 

Jean Kummer


Steins-Happy Collaps Lincoln 

Derik & Damon Bertke


V B Famous Wrenley

Voegeli Farm





Summer Yearling



A Joy D TapDance 

Abbie & Andrew Evans


Clover Lane Gonna Be Famous

Lauren & Gavin Kishman


Cutting Edge D Kassie 

Kaelyn Tompkins


Jenlar Rasta Willa ETV 

Jack Moore, Jason DeMay & Brianna Meyer


Opsal-JH BR Take A Look ETV

Joey & Hayleigh Opsal & Kevin Webster


Pit-Crew Collaps Talista 

Pit-Crew Genetics





Spring Yearling



Brook Hollow I Am Priority

Delbert & Heather Yoder


Kruses Diego Mindy

Rick Kruse


Northkill Creek Grandslam Twin

Hannah Balthaser


Opsal-J Strike A Pose 

Joey Opsal & Peter Vail


Pit-Crew Formula Kash 

Pit-Crew Genetics


Sunnyisle Pkr Tuesday ET

Rebecca, John & Wendy Korth and Jeffrey & Brittany Boldt





Winter Yearling



Brothers Three Dlx Wildcat

Brothers Three & Patrick Crave


M & M Carter Sage

Jacob & Levi Stuessel


Meadow Hill C Bikini ET

Gary Lee Mase


Northkill Creek Getter Done ET

Hannah Balthaser


Pit-Crew Diego Papaya ET 

Pit-Crew Genetics


Pocket Aces Win The Natty ETV 

Keenan Thygesen





Fall Yearling



Blessing Garbro F Whitney 

Katelyn Taylor


Blessing Garbro F Phyllis ETV

Blessing Farm & Garrison Bros.


Jenlar Rasta Westlynn ETV 

Siemers Holsteins


Opsal-J Pray For Forgiveness

Joey & Hayleigh Opsal and Kelvin Webster


V B HJ CV Famous Thriller ETV

Hilary Voegeli


Way Lyn Famous Paris

Cynthia Warner





Junior Best Three



A Joy Swiss



Brianna Meyer



Joey Opsal



Joey & Hayleigh Opsal and Kelvin Webster



Pit-Crew Genetics



Rick Kruse






Yearling in Milk



Brown Velvet Pwrb Flannel Twin

Elaina, Ava & Audrey Lahmers


Edge View F Satisfaction ETV

L, E, A, E, R & L Coon


Jenlar Diego Waterloo ETV 

Brianna Meyer


Just So F Wildeye ET

Just So Farm


Just So W Fancy ETV 

Just So Farm


WOCC Foremost Hurricane 

Suton Paulson





Summer Junior 2 Year Old



8th Day Rhymes FM Reason 

Aaron Olson


Just So D Tangerine 

Just So Farm


La Rainbow Sweet Sangria ETV 

Brody Jackson and Blake & Garrett Hill


Mtn View Diego Hot Diggity

Mountain View Meadows BS


Santa Maria Frosted Fig 

Brothers Three and Shawn & Seth Nehls


Shadow Valley Daredevil Halo 

Amelia Somers





Junior 2 Year Old



Fox Trail Pactole Lucina 

Fairdale Farm LLC


Jenlar FC Whipsaw ETV

Iroquois Acres


Just So D Fragrance

Just So Farm


Mayers Spark Victoria NP

Devn & Kayla Mayer and Gregg Christianson


Pit-Crew Daredevil Shay 

Pit-Crew Genetics


Robland Bays Irish Cream Twin

Robert Landgraf & Goldfawn Farm





Senior 2 Year Old



Jenlar Rasta Welcome ETV

Robert & Lana Becard, Luke & Sarah Olson, Roger & Lori Read and Trudy Wright


Knapp Famous Centrfold ETV 

Knapp Genetics and Jesse & Kiley Muse


Kruses ACC C Jenesis ETV 

John & Bonnie Ayars


Twinkle-Hill T Amberlei ETV 

Jeannie Bishop


WF Daredevil Nova

Blessing Farm & Brian Garrison


Winsomes DD Wish 

Peter Vail





Junior 3 Year Old



Acclaimed Secret Dreams ETV

Joey & Hayleigh Opsal & Kevin Webster


Bittersweet Cayenne Rosa

Sara Price


Deschenoise H Signorina Dally 

Brian Pacheco


Hills Valley S Felony ETV

Hills Valley Farm


Pit-Crew Martini Twist 

Pit-Crew Genetics


Shiloh F Martini Talo

Fairdale Farm LLC





Senior 3 Year Old



Brown Heaven Kade Friend

Brown Heaven Farm


Double W Kade Maiden NP 

Pinnacle Swiss & Fairdale Farm LLC


Edge View SW Fenix

Devin & Kayla Mayer


Groves View Carter Tabby

Mt Elgin Dairy & Kingsway Farms


Riddle Me This GA Lavender

Knapp Genetics and Jesse & Kiley Muse, Josh Jones and Hayden Weaver


V B Phantom Sinister

Voegeli Farm





4 Year Old



A Joy CP Snow White 

Abbie Evans


Brown Heaven Genox Jeaverissa 

Brown Heaven


Cutting Edge BG DS Sharice

Blessing Farm & Garrison Bros


RDT Daredevil Lola

Red Dirt Genetics & Katy Boehm


Terra Rose Cliff Shasta 

Adele Biasini


TwinCounty Famous Diamond 

Dakota Fraley





5 Year Old



Brown Heaven Carter Falby ET

Brown Heaven & MilkSource LLC


Hill-Over Hrts Thndr Daisy 

L, E, A, E, R & L Coon


IE Double W Wizdom Kat 

Knapp Genetics


Random Luck Victory Rose 

Matthew & Allison Thompson


Ritchi View Nuck Hum Dinger

Kenny Joe & Kelly Jo Manion and Elite Dairy III


Topp-View Sexy Formula 

Aubree, Aiden, Alaina & Kinley Topp





Aged Cow



All-Glo Carter Popsicle 

Blessing Farm & Brian Garrison


Brown Heaven Carter Tutti 

Brian Pacheco


Double W Richard Baltimore 

Fairdale Farm LLC


Graystone Kingpin Gitana

Amelia Somers


Iroquois Acres Total Candy 

Brian Pacheco


Shelburne Carter Dell

Joey & Hayleigh Opsal and Kelvin Webster





Component Merit



Brown Heaven Biver Frenchkiss 

Brown Heaven Farm


Dutch-Marie Dundee Allie 

Hadleigh, Ezra and Kenna Jones and Kelly Jo Manion


Nise-N-Fancy Braiden Poppy 

Oliver, Owen & Addison Nisen


Northkill Creek Groovy 

Hannah Balthaser


Shiloh Durango Tori 

Fairdale Farm LLC


SS Debs 929

Knapp Genetics





Senior Best Three



A Joy Swiss



Brown Heaven



Double W Farm



Jenna Lenhart



Just So Farm



Pit-Crew Genetics






Produce of Dam



Brown Heaven



Emily & Amy Yeiser



Jesse Muse



Just So Farm (A)



Just So Farm (B)



Armbruster Bros



Following is a List of the
Qualifying Shows:

  • Northeast National, Eastern States Exposition, W Springfield, MA
  • Eastern National, All-American Dairy Show, Harrisburg, PA
  • International, World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI
  • Southwest National, Heart of America Expo, Stillwater, OK
  • Southeast National, NAILE, Louisville, KY

The winner of a futurity will qualify for the All-American Contest if the futurity is held as part of a listed qualifying show.

  • California State Fair, Sacramento, CA
  • Florida State Fair, Tampa, FL
  • Georgia National, Perry, GA
  • Illinois State Fair, Springfield, IL
  • Indiana State Show & Fair, Indianapolis, IN
  • Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, IA
  • Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson, KS
  • Kentucky State Fair, Louisville, KY
  • Kentucky State Show, Liberty, KY
  • Maryland State Fair, Timonium, MD
  • Michigan Summer Show, East Lansing, MI
  • Mid-Atlantic Invitational Show, Frederick, MD
  • Midwest Brown Swiss Show, Madison, WI
  • Midwest Spring Brown Swiss Show, Monroe, WI
  • Minnesota State Show & Fair, St. Paul, MN
  • Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, MO
  • New York Spring Show, Syracuse, NY
  • New York State Fair, Syracuse, NY
  • New York State Show, Hamburg, NY
  • North Carolina State Fair & Show, Raleigh, NC
  • Northeast All Breeds Spring Show, West Springfield, MA
  • Ohio State Fair, Columbus, OH
  • Ohio Spring Expo, Columbus, OH
  • Ozark Empire Fair, Springfield, MO
  • Pennsylvania Farm Show, Harrisburg, PA
  • South Dakota State Fair, Huron, SD
  • SE MN Brown Swiss National, Rochester, MN
  • Southwestern Livestock Expo, Ft. Worth, TX
  • State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX
  • Vermont State Show, New Haven, VT
  • Washington State Fair, Puyallup, WA
  • Wisconsin State Fair, West Allis, WI
  • Wisconsin State Show, Viroqua, WI
  • Must be 40 or more head of Brown Swiss to be judged
  • Show must be approved by the Board of Directors
  • AND a Show Report must be sent to the national Brown Swiss office

Please have your dairy show superintendent or state association secretary send BSCBA the results from your Brown Swiss shows.